Abalos, Dustin Karl D. Activity 1 in SIA

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] There are companies that become successful because they change their traditional system into a new one..

Scene 2 (10s)

[Audio] As an IT specialist, I will use technology to change the company A traditional system..

Scene 3 (19s)

[Audio] Yes, there is a risk in this action of changing the company's traditional system..

Scene 4 (26s)

[Audio] But if we don't take a risk, we can't move forward..

Scene 5 (33s)

[Audio] So I will show you guys an example situation to believe me that this change to the system will be successful..

Scene 6 (41s)

[Audio] For example, what happened to the companies called Samsung and Nokia..

Scene 7 (48s)

[Audio] Because of the changes in Samsung, the company has now upgraded versions of the smartphones, TVs, etc..

Scene 8 (58s)

[Audio] On the other hand, Nokia didn't accomplish what Samsung accomplished, but there are still some upgrading versions but not a powerhouse like Samsung..

Scene 9 (1m 8s)

[Audio] Isn't the situation here the same as with Samsung? They made changes to develop more, but Nokia didn't change because they stayed in their traditional system. Nokia chose Windows Phone because it feared Samsung would come to dominate Android. So that's the reason..

Scene 10 (1m 29s)

[Audio] So now the powerhouse in smartphones is Samsung because they chose to switch to Android and most people can afford it..

Scene 11 (1m 38s)

[Audio] So we should leave behind the traditional system and adopt the new system..

Scene 12 (1m 45s)

[Audio] The goal of successfully changing is to determine which system will be most compatible with company A, as well as which technology is compatible with company A..

Scene 13 (1m 55s)

[Audio] So we must choose carefully what our new system will be, and it must be compatible with our industry in order for us to successfully change..

Scene 14 (2m 5s)

[Audio] In this change, Company A will grow and grow soon. That's all. Thank you..

Scene 15 (2m 17s)