[Audio] Good morning everyone! Today, Anna Fryling and Kayla Akombi will discuss the importance of understanding Artificial Intelligence, and the tests used to evaluate it. We will explore the potential of AI, and how it can shape the future. Let's get started!.
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[Audio] The Turing Test is an evaluation method devised by Alan Turing to determine whether a computer is capable of displaying intelligent behavior that is indistinguishable from, or equivalent to, that of humans. It involves a human, a computer, and an interpreter, all of whom have individual conversations with the interpreter. If the interpreter is unable to determine which one is the computer, or guesses incorrectly, then the computer is said to possess Artificial Intelligence..
[Audio] AI is an extremely engaging subject and one of the most conspicuous research territories nowadays. Testing out the capacities of AI is one of the fundamental parts of research in this field. The Imitation Game is a type of test that takes a gander at the capacities of AI. This test comprises of two distinct situations. The initial involves an interpreter, a male and a female, in which the female disguises herself as the male and the interpreter is given the undertaking of attempting to make sense of who is the female. The second test is fundamentally the same as the Turing Test, in which it is utilized to analyze the two tests. These tests assist us with improving knowledge into the capacities of AI and how far it can go..
[Audio] The Imitation Game and the Turing Test are two well-known methods to examine Artificial Intelligence. The Turing Test evaluates the computer's capacity to mimic human behaviour, and the Imitation Game gauges the capability of robots to recreate human results. However, both assessments have their own drawbacks – the Turing Test does not compare the computer's results to other humans, and the Imitation Game does not consider distinctions between human and robot results..
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[Audio] We can observe that Artificial Intelligence will be ubiquitous in the near future and it is paramount for us to comprehend it and be aware of it. We acquired erudition in regards to this technology from our visits to Artemis and found out about the diverse robots that take advantage of it and in what situations it is essential for them to possess it. As this technology proceeds to evolve, it is essential for us to be abreast of it and be informed..
[Audio] We discussed the various aspects of artificial intelligence and its implications for our society. It is an incredible tool to use, but can never replace natural intelligence, which far surpasses that of artificial intelligence. It is our responsibility to use both wisely in order to continue advancing our society and culture. Thank you for your attention and contribution to this conversation..