A gluten FREE Lifestyle. Technology Education / Technical Drawing.
Introduction. My name is Tessanne Patterson and I am in 3 Sebro . I am going to give a presentation, this would be a brief walk through of each step in making this Gluten Free product. This is also a technological presentation for those who couldn’t experience this experiment physically..
Challenge and problem. Health Professionals around the world want to gather the latest information on a gluten-free lifestyle for their consumers. Especially where health is concerned, misleading information can lead to damaging one’s health Also, lack of information on a gluten-free life style can lead to suspicion. Lastly, little information can lead to bad advisory. At the same time if the problem is solved, with more information consumers would be able to trust health professionals with their health and consumers would be educated more on a gluten-free lifestyle. Also, the professionals now can give the correct and accurate information to their consumers. In summary, I am required to create a gluten-free dish containing locally grown produce. Food that has to be prepared through baking,also contain nutritious protein and within a budget of forty dollars..
The Relevance of Information Gathered. What I learnt from research is that a gluten-free diet is an eating plan that excludes foods containing gluten. it's a strict, medically-necessary diet that affects what they eat, the medications they take, and even the hygiene products that they use. However almost immediately after the gluten is consumed, the reactions begin, often as a feeling of becoming flushed with a drop in blood pressure. Also, Only your healthcare professionals, such as your local doctor, can provide the most appropriate health advice. Researching reliable health information online..
Possible Solutions. Possible solution 1 Sweet Potato Fries Its a good source of nutrients, its even healthier when baked. When done correctly the flavor is immaculate. Advantages: Sweet potato is low in calorie so it can also promote weight loss. Sweet potato contributes to high dietary fiber which can lessen the risk of heart attacks. Disadvantages: Sweet potato contains a lot of potassium, excessive consumption can damage your heart. Sweet potatoes may contribute to the development of calcium-oxalate kidney stones..
Chosen Solution. abstract.
Steps in Making the Chosen Solution. Firstly cut the sweet potato diagonally, wash thoroughly. Boil potato until firm, so approximately 15 minutes. Let cool then gently pat dry them. Crack an egg, mix it with some dried parsley. Dip each potato strips in the egg wash. Get a huge baking tray drizzle the olive oil onto the tray, place the potato strips down on to the tray. Now sprinkle the garlic powder, white pepper, black pepper and salt evenly, massage the seasonings in to the sweet potatoes. Place into the oven at 350º cook even on each side of the fries for 20 minutes. Lastly put your desire amount of dried parsley for garnish..
Testing. .
Testing. 2 Yes sneet potato. Flavour Kale Sweet Potato Sweet Potato 75.
Testing. Baking baking mintutes Kale 33.3% Sweet Potato 667%.
Evaluation. Product Evaluation In summary of this challenge, my gluten Free food did meet the criteria. I let multiple people give their opinions on the sweet potato fries, and majority of the opinions came back as that they were delicious. With the help of others and the internet I was able to get all the components of this challenge and piece it together making sure it’s a gluten free food, contains some form of protein, a local grown good, used baking as a method of cooking and as well making sure everything I needed was under a certain budget. The texture was good and the food was presented nicely..
The Actual Product.
Closing Thank You. That brings the presentation to an end. Thank you for viewing my presentation, a lot of hard work was put into this project.This was also a fun experiment to try with food .It also thought me that I can make my own gluten free meals at home..