black god PowerPoint template

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Scene 1 (0s)

. The future.

Scene 2 (10s)

&Toys. &. &Management. fie. Logo, company name Description automatically generated.

Scene 3 (32s)

& Production. &TOYS. &IMAGINE. Focus points. fie.

Scene 4 (44s)

图片包含 建筑物, 圆屋顶 已生成高可信度的说明. &TOYS. Logo, company name Description automatically generated.

Scene 5 (54s)

Revenue potential. -•f•Rå4Å/.. Wish list products for viewer to gift &IMAGINE cam stars with (AMAZON Murchant ), Expo’s, Events..

Scene 6 (1m 31s)

Concept. Quality, luxurary , high class, customizable and readily available adult entertainment accessories.

Scene 7 (2m 41s)

图片包含 建筑物, 圆屋顶 已生成高可信度的说明. Proposed catalog examples.

Scene 8 (2m 49s)

A person wearing a garment Description automatically generated with medium confidence.

Scene 9 (2m 54s)

Only luxury toys with a high-class look and feel … Only rich metal colors or pink, Maroon, Black or Gun Metal.

Scene 10 (3m 28s)

. abstract. . abstract. Purchase Price: $6 R 90 Selling Price: R550.

Scene 11 (3m 44s)

. . Purchase Price: $4 R60 Selling Price: R400. Purchase Price: $2 R24 Selling Price: R200.

Scene 12 (3m 56s)

Purchase Price: $ 500 R Selling Price: R.

Scene 13 (4m 4s)

Purchase Price: +-$400 R Selling Price: R. Purchase Price: $350 R Selling Price: R.

Scene 14 (4m 6s)

abstract. . . Purchase Price: $ R Selling Price: $ R.

Scene 15 (4m 11s)

Let your imagination run WILD. A picture containing person, clothing, person, swimsuit Description automatically generated.

Scene 16 (4m 22s)

A picture containing wall, indoor, box, light Description automatically generated.

Scene 17 (4m 26s)

&TOYS ••oue. SÄö'1"ä.

Scene 18 (4m 30s)

图片包含 建筑物, 圆屋顶 已生成高可信度的说明. THANK YOU.