الــــزي الــشــعـبــي للــرجـال والـــنســاء قـــديــمـا

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Scene 1 (0s)

Student work: Maryam Abdullah Khalfan Muhammad Al-Naqbi.

Scene 2 (11s)

Heritage is everything that has reached us from the past within the prevailing civilization. It is therefore an issue that is inherited at the same time and present on many levels. Heritage is a civilization and civilization emerges due to time and place and the continuity of the past in the present throughout the ages. Heritage includes all the spiritual and moral aspects of any people. The world, since ancient times, has been passed down to us, generation after generation, in the sense of the intellectual, cultural, religious, and even literary heritage inherited by fathers and grandfathers, which includes all the customs, traditions, and ancient civilizations and their past that flourished and formed our collective inheritance..

Scene 3 (47s)

First: Types of clothing (for men). abstract. abstract.

Scene 4 (1m 35s)

abstract. abstract. abstract. Second: Types of clothing ( for women):.

Scene 5 (2m 26s)

The Emirati dress for women is characterized by:.