[Audio] Good morning everyone! Today I'm here to present to you a comprehensive overview of the education provided by the China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Radiology. Our hospital specializes in providing medical rescue services targeted assistance and community health services through information systems and telemedicine networks. Let's take a closer look into this exciting field of study..
[image] ///i//7/l. [image] CHINA-JAPAN FRIENDSHIP HOSPITAL.
[Audio] The Radiology Department at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital was established with the opening of the hospital in 1984. The hospital was created as a result of a collaboration between the Chinese and Japanese governments with Japan providing gratis financial assistance. October 23 of that year marked the inaugural opening..
[Audio] At the China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing the 1981 opening ceremony saw great pomp and pride. Chinese premier Zhao Ziyang and vice president Wang Zhen were accompanied by the former Japanese prime minister all having attended to mark the occasion. India and Japan had a sign a hospital construction design and construction exchange document and Japan had contributed more than 200 million yuan to fund the construction. This was a momentous event in the annals of friendly relations between the two countries..
[Audio] The China-Japan Friendship Hospital Radiology Department is renowned throughout Beijing and China for its size and accomplishments. Covering an area of 9.7 hectares it has a total of 180000 square meters of facilities. Furthermore the hospital holds 2087 beds and 68 departments as well as a center for clinical research and education. Unsurprisingly it is rated among the top 10 hospitals in Beijing and one of the top 100 hospitals in China..
[Audio] The Japanese-Chinese Friendship Hospital's Radiology Department has three campuses the main campus located in the city center and North and West campuses situated on the city outskirts. The Department is committed to offering top-notch medical care to the local community..
[Audio] Slide 8 of this presentation introduces the International Medical Center and its two inpatient areas. The International Medical Center is a modern hospital located in the heart of the city. It is designed to offer the highest quality of care to all its patients. It features spacious private patient rooms clustered around specialized medical and nursing units. Patients may benefit from an abundance of natural light and a sense of plentiful space with views through large windows that overlook traditional gardens. The International Medical Center hosts two inpatient areas namely K 1 and K 2 with a total of 59 beds. K 1 is mainly engaged in the treatment of various diseases with integrative methods while K 2 is devoted to the treatment of a wide range of diseases with western medicine..
[Audio] Slide number 9 of our presentation talks about the impressive professional career of Mr Xie Sheng. He is a member of the Royal College of Physicians in the United Kingdom and a lifetime member of the American University of California San Diego Orthopedic Club. He was granted a special allowance by the State Council in 1994 and in 2005 he was appointed as an expert consultant of the Central Health Commission. Mr Xie Sheng gave a lecture at FuDan University on October 13th 2000..
[Audio] Slide 10 focuses on the role our hospital played in fighting sars in 2003. During this time hospital staff quickly responded to the emergency by forming medical rescue teams providing medical services and rescuing critically ill patients. This highlights the commitment our hospital has to public welfare and demonstrates how we are dedicated to helping those less fortunate in times of crisis..
[Audio] Slide number 11 highlights the benevolent actions our hospital carried out in response to the 2008 earthquake calamity. We dispatched 6 medical rescue teams to the affected area and delivered support to the people facing hardship. We wish our efforts aided in decreasing the distress of the people influenced even if only to a small extent..
我院第一批驰援武汉医疗队中的放射科技师. [image]. [image] CHINAOAPAN FRIENDSHIP HOSP'TAL 12000Kg.
[Audio] The Radiology Department at China-Japan Friendship Hospital is dedicated to emergency response and rescue activities. Our team of highly qualified technicians are armed with the most advanced medical tools and technology to ensure top quality care in case of any emergency. We prioritize safety and security and are prepared to act swiftly in any given situation..
[Audio] The Helicopter Emergency Medical Service at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital Radiology Department has seen great success since its establishment having transported and treated over 300 patients. This is achieved through its lifting capacity of 8 tons which enables safe and easy transport of those in need to the hospital..
[Audio] Telemedicine networks can be utilized to strengthen the information systems and outreach services of medical facilities. By linking multiple medical establishments located in disparate locations data can be exchanged and virtual consultations can be conducted. This approach ensures improved treatment options for patients and leads to improved quality of service in medical institutions. Telemedicine networks can be used to supply specialized care to rural regions where medical personnel and facilities are limited in addition to promoting quality healthcare services to the community..
[Audio] Teleconsultation is becoming a common medical practice providing patients with access to medical care regardless of location. This service helps to bridge the gap between healthcare professionals and patients allowing for secure data and image sharing via the internet. By utilizing advanced imaging technology medical professionals are able to rapidly discuss and review patient data resulting in more efficient and accurate diagnoses. This technology also makes it possible for physicians to form remote medical teams to collaborate on cases ultimately enhancing the quality of care for those in need..
[Audio] Our network includes Peking Union Medical College Peking University Health Science Center and Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine all of which are committed to providing quality education and training for our students through internships at their teaching hospitals. Slide number 18 is about these teaching hospitals..
[image] 202047 h 26 a.
[Audio] 自1998年起,科室承担了北京大学医学部本科和省级硕士生的理论及实习教学任务,每年的教学时间达150学时。同时科室也开展了多种多层次的继续教育活动,连续申请了国家级、市级及朝阳区继教项目。此外,科室还对住院医师、专硕研究生进行培训和指导,施行定期考核、出科出组考核等方式。科室目前拥有78名员工,其中主任医师7人,副主任医师4人,85%的医务人员拥有硕士以上学位,学科带头人和中青年业务骨干均有留学欧美国家的经历。科室已培养出20位毕业的硕士和博士。.
[image]. [image] PLANAR.
[Audio] 门诊放射科近年来发展多方面的研究,主要包括肺动脉高压及肺动脉栓塞、高分辨颅内血管成像以及结直肠肿瘤研究等,获得了相应的基金支持,如北京市科委临床特色应用研究1项、国家自然基金1项、人社部留学人员科技活动择优资助项目1项等。另外,放射科近几年发表SCI期刊论文总数量也达到了15-20篇。未来,我们将提供优质的医疗服务,不断发展研究工作,提高技术水平,并努力追求更好的研究成果。.
[Audio] Xiaosheng X-ray Department of China-Japan Friendship Hospital organizes its teaching activities as follows: Wednesday is for flipped classroom teaching; Thursday for teaching how to interpret difficult films and writing reports; Friday for difficult case follow-up teaching; and the third Thursday of each month from 6 to 8 pm for multidisciplinary M-D-T activity. An academic meeting is also held every month..
教学大纲介绍. 翻转课堂教学:每周三 疑难读片教学:每周四 疑难病例随访教学:每周五 报告书写教学:周四,随时 多学科MDT活动:每月第三周周四18:00-20:00 各类学术会议:.
[Audio] Radiology section of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital requires education training with goals including mastering the theory and practice of radiography such as x-ray CT and MR imaging principles and examination methods. Trainees should be also familiar with the observation analysis methods and diagnostic principles of radiography; the structure and use of intubation devices such as catheters; and the biological effects of ionizing radiation. In addition gaining understanding in X-ray exposure and CT and MR examination procedures as well as the clinical applications and limitations of radiographic diagnosis is necessary..
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[Audio] Residents of the Radiology department at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital are required to carry out a variety of duties as part of their training. This includes seeing patients being familiar with the standards of everyday operations being prepared to take action in case of allergic reactions capturing images of patients honing post-processing techniques composing reports for emergency and clinic visits and for in-patient stays and conducting follow-up tasks. Additionally they are anticipated to assemble content for flipped classroom instruction..
[Audio] Regarding the evaluation process there are several elements that need to be taken into account to guarantee success. These elements comprise of an exit exam theoretical tests case report assessment skill evaluation yearly evaluation theoretical test skill evaluation and daily performance. All these tests work to guarantee quality in the academic program..