منصة المجلات العلمية الجزائرية ( Algerian Scientific Journal Platform ).
واجهة المنصة. ASJP Search bv Kevaords, title warcs, summarv wordsm Home Search 178 029 articles in 740 joumals The last ten issues published Joumals Integration v Connexion English v (2019-20m) - Human competencies in Abgeria tkt"æen reality and ex—tatioms - an anaMical study ot the reasons and motives tor the migration ot ccn#tencjes Curing the rricuä (2000-2019)-.
التسجيل في المنصة. ASJP Search by kev.',ords, title words, summarv words Home Journals Integration v Connexion English v Search 178 029 articles in 740 joumals CONNEXION e yam —example eom Cl Remernter me Reuisll Fcruot Vour c:sssv.üld? LOGIN.
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تنظيم المجلات في المنصة. Scope Agricultural and Biological Sciences Arts anc Humanitles Biochemistry. Genetics and Molecular Biology Business. Management and Accounting Cnemical Engineering Cnemistry Computer Science Decision Sciences Dentistry Eartn and Planetary Sciences Economics, Econometrics and Finance Energy Engineering Environmental Science Health Professions Immunoty and Microöiology Materials Science Matnematlcs Medicine Neurosciences Nursing pnarmaco.y', Toxicology and pnarmaceutics pnysics and Astronomy Psychology Social Sciences Veterinary Physical and Sports &zience and Technology Islamic sciences Administrative Sciences and Public Management Papers published in 2022 2000 January February March The first hundred journals by irnpact factor Most cited articles and joumals.
تنظيم المجلات في المنصة. EISSN: Start year: 2006 Periodicity: Semestrial Country: Algeria Acceptance rate: 71% Institution: Université Omar Telidji de Laghouat Average response time: 274 Days ASJP Impact factor: O. 1188 Mean time to publishe after acceptation. • 92 Days Search tnis Journal Description Sciences Journal (SSJ), With 1112-6752. is an international. double-blind Bi•annual and free Of charge. open-access academic journal, published by the Faculty of Social Sciences — University Amar Telldji of Laghouat - Algeria. The joumal focuses on topics related to Humanities and Sc•cial Sciences e.g. psychology, sociology, philosophy, educational sciences, demography etc. SSJ provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute their original and innovative work in the domains covered. The joumal carries original and fill-length academic articles that reflect the latest research and developments in practical aspects of the mentioned fields of research. Our joumal is in both printed and electronic versions. The electronic version can accessed and downloaded freely. All researchers around the world are very welcome to publish their work in our Journal Manuscripts can at any time in two languages and English) for the two issues (March and Of each year, Editorial Team Focus and Sco# Instructions for authors Author guide Indexed by Call for reviewers Paper Submission S'atnnner.
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