Seiri (Sort).
Seiton (Set in Order).
Seiso ( Shine).
Seiketsu (Standardize).
Shitsuke (Sustain).
Sort - separating the necessary to unnecessary -get rid of what you do not need.
Set in Order -find a permanent place for all needed items -arrange needed items in order for an easy access.
Shine -systematically clean and inspect the workplace regularly -identify inconsistencies, problems and improvement opportunities -remember to include your electronic files.
Standardize -establish guidelines and standards, make them visual -maintain the workplace at a level in which deviations becomes obvious.
OUTLIERS Bill Bryson l/ 11.
Sustain -make 5s a habit -conduct regular inspections -communicate to ensure consistency.
Before ss Safety.
Doing the 5s in your space will help better your organization skills but most importantly it will benefit you mentally and keep you motivated and productive..
Seiri (Sort).
Seiton (Set in Order).
Seiso ( Shine).
Seiketsu (Standardize).
Shitsuke (Sustain).