5.8 Rapid Changeover

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Pactiv Evergreen 5.8 Rapid Changeover Presentation In this Rapid Changeover training presentation we will learn how important it is to apply within any process every hour, a minute and a second that we have an idle asset, our profit margin shrinks. For example; if a machine is down, lights, compressors, grinders, are still consuming electricity. The clock is ticking and we're still paying for all the fixed expenses and many other things are still incurring costs. Therefore, every minute that we save we will be producing more pounds and lowering our conversion cost for better prices for our customers and we become more competitive, and not to mention that the contribution margin gets bigger for all us in Pactiv evergreen and Shareholders..

Scene 2 (49s)

[Audio] First principles and a Lean Production. Lean production aims to systematically identify and eliminate waste through continuous improvement, enabling increased flexibility and organizations competitiveness. First, where does this methodology comes from? It can be found under one of the main pillars of the lean tools, Just in Time, which refers to the production and supply of the required quantity of items when needed. Let's recall as its shown in the slide, the Lean production aims to systematically identify and eliminate waste through continuous improvement, enabling increased flexibility and organizations' competitiveness.

Scene 3 (1m 30s)

[Audio] Do anyone knows or have heard about the 6 big losses?, lets recall. First planned stops, unplanned stops, micro stops, slow cycles, start-up rejects and production rejects. With the quick changeover methodology we are tackling the 1st of the 6 big losses, planned stops, and indirectly we are tackling start-up, rejects, micro stops, and unplanned stops due to a well performed changeover with less post changeover process deviations..

Scene 4 (2m 1s)

[Audio] But, what is a set-up or changeover?. 4. But .. what is a set-up/ changeover ?.

Scene 5 (2m 9s)

[Audio] First principles. What is a set-up or changeover? The definition: All events between ceasing production of the prior batch and commencing full production of the new batch, with the product simultaneously meeting all of its quality requirements, should be considered as changeover events" On the left side of the slide we can see that we have the production order " A" that is categorized within an external time and green because we are still producing from the order "A" to then comes the red dotted line where the asset is now down and planned downtime starts, which can be devided into two categories: Set-up period: when no manufacture occurs. Run-up period: When production is commenced again, and continues until consistent ouput at full capacity and quality occurs. From there begins the first good piece of order B in which it already meets all speed and quality requirements At the bottom you may see what we want to achieve, to reduce primaraly both set-up and run-up period, get as fast as we can (safely) the first good piece of order B..

Scene 6 (3m 19s)

[Audio] As we can see in the 50's it took us more than a minute to change the four tires, and looks, less standardized, more exhausting and difficult job. In 2013 less than 3 seconds, that's a remarkable change and until mid 2022 the record is 1.82 seconds achieved in 2019. Yes, you heard that right, the plus 1 minute we saw had been shrinked to 1.82 seconds! What a remarkable improvement we can make when we all work together. This would be the mindset that we want us to have, we are becoming members of Formula 1, and we are going to be well organized knowing what to do, when to do it and who does it... all in a standard world-class way.

Scene 7 (6m 14s)

[Audio] As we can see on the video, all of them are well trained specialist that have a defined role in the procedure, they all have a series of activities prior, during and after the pit stop. Lets take a look to the picture. For example bottom left..."change the right rear wheel" may seem simple but it has a procedure on how to do it safely, effectively and quickly and he is trained on it and he practices it all over and over again until becoming an specialist and knows perfectly his needed tools, supplies and what to do, when do it, and how to it.

Scene 8 (6m 48s)

[Audio] From F1 to the shop floor. What do F1 has. Our aim..

Scene 9 (7m 39s)

[Audio] Who do we want to be? I'm sure were not that bad but we may have some of lack of practice, maybe some events of wasting time, searching or forgeting tools, some other times we may use improvised tools. Maybe the machine is already stopped according to the Schedule but the team is still on lockers or still preparing. Sometimes we do a good time on change over, sometimes we dont. And Sometimes we have uneven knowledged and skills withing our crew. Sounds familiar? We want to be in the right side, with experienced profesional team, with appropiate tools, w/o waste, optimum preparation and adhered to the standards as much as posible..

Scene 10 (8m 24s)

[Audio] In the basic principles of Rapid Changeover, Shingo the famous japanese enginner, mentions that the setup operations are divided into two types: Internal operations - Which can only be performed while the machine is stopped. External operations - That can be performed while the machine is operating. We need to ensure all External tasks are completed while the machine is running. Internal steps happen while the equipment or process is stopped. External steps occur while the equipment or process is running being productive. Convert as many Internal tasks to External tasks and perform while the machine is running. Eliminate waste in remaining Internal tasks..

Scene 11 (9m 12s)

[Audio] Some reasons for reducing setup times: Due to large amount and variety of products and due to the reduction of the quantities requested by customers, we must be prepared to quickly react to customers' needs Some reasons: The Rapid changeover System offers the only path to high diversity, small lot production and minimal inventory levels. Rapid Changeover will normally be used by a business to reduce batc sizes and thereby to enhance Manufacturing responsiveness. Cost minimization: Production costs are directly related to the equipment's performance. With setup time reducion, machines stop during less time, thus reducing production costs. Flexible production and on-time delivery capability - Zero waste time. Quality production with better mold maintenance - Zero defect production. Increades production - Zero unnecesary process loss..

Scene 12 (10m 15s)

[Audio] Some reasons for reducing setup times. Another way of understanding..

Scene 13 (10m 43s)

[Audio] THE RAPID CHANGEOVER METHOD 4 Steps: The application of this metholdology consists of four distintc stages: Peliminary stage – Internal and external setup not defferentiated. Initial observation: To identify the tools used during setup, locations where the operator moves around and all other aspects involved in the process Dialogue with the operator: To identify potential problems in the setup. Video recording: To register all the operations and movements during the setup. Spaghetti chart construction (current state). To represent the movements that the operarot performs dureing the setup process and to identify áreas of greater affluence. Stage 1 – Separate internal and external setup. Stage 2 – Convert internal into external setup. That is, to be done during the time when the production of the previous party is in progress. Stage 3 – Rationalize the internal and external setup. Arrangements and improvements are made by examining both internal setting activities and external setting activities to the smallest detail..

Scene 14 (12m 3s)

[Audio] Preliminary stage - Internal and external setup not differentiated: On the preliminary stage, we suggest these team members… so we have different approaches It is important to take into account the following so we can have more accurate data Document settings when process runs well Document operating conditions during periods of smooth operation Observe and document changeover process in detail In the platform you will find the suggested changeover toolbox file, in the first first sheet you'll find a template to perform your analysis. You should: Record each changeover step – NOTE: you may want to video record. Record elapsed time (in seconds) for each element. Record other details on note cards/ pads. Calculate element times from elapsed times. Classify each element and interpret the Pareto that is generated in the file..

Scene 15 (13m 9s)

[Audio] Stage 1 - Separate internal and external setup: Now that we have all preliminary information and we have a great sense of the current situation and how the time spreads on the classification, stage 1 starts and we want to start separating what is internal and what is external..

Scene 16 (13m 40s)

[Audio] Stage 2 Convert internal into external setup. Maybe most of them are currently internal, so in this stage 2 we are starting to convert as much as we can from internal to external. Take your time to analyze every ítem..

Scene 17 (13m 58s)

[Audio] Stage 3 Rationalize the internal and external setup. – The team may want to "eliminate". As we move forward to stage 3 to rationalize in every ítem we should ask a question: is it really necessary? Can we eliminate this step? Either internal or external..

Scene 18 (14m 23s)

[Audio] We also want to spot those internal activities which can be done in parallel among two or more people. Use detailed procedures to ensure safety and minimize waiting..

Scene 19 (14m 35s)

[Audio] When we set parallel activities make sure to use this tool to have a big picture of what should be going on in a particular time.

Scene 20 (14m 49s)

[Audio] Another way to improve is to change order of some activities, maybe to reduce transport, movement or continue working with same tools in different steps..

Scene 21 (15m 6s)

[Audio] Now we may have some parallel activites, order changed or some steps are now external or even eliminated. All the remaining internal activities should be rationalized to be more effiecent, faster, safer,.

Scene 22 (15m 21s)

[Audio] In this phase of rationalizing the internal steps in a way to simplify either through standardization of dimensions, centering, securing, gripping or placing rules, numerical scales, visulas, fixed stops Every type of innovation that can make the changeover easier, safer and faster witll less possibility of error. Important to use poka-yoke thinking..the mistake proofing concepts and techniques Standardization - Decide which essential functions can be made standard: Dimensioning Centering Securing Gripping Use numerical scales to standardize settings. Make settings visual. Use fixed stops. Create mechanisms that can be quick set to handle different functions. Use Poka-yoke, mistake proofing, concepts and techniques so the procedure performs 100% assessment without involving too much effort. Focus on replacing the fewest possible parts..

Scene 23 (16m 29s)

[Audio] Stage 3 Rationalize the internal and external setup. The team may want to Simplify. These are other examples to simply, functional clams which are attachments that hold part in place with minimal effort, for example one-tune, one- motion, interlocking And we can do better by elimination functional adjustments. This would be the steps for rapid changeover..

Scene 24 (16m 57s)

[Audio] Basics in place. Do not forget that to improve probability of success and sustainability of rapid change over, we need to leverage other lean tools such as 5s, visual management and leader standard work. It's important to combine the CI efforts with: 6S Visual management, layout, color coding, labels, etc. Leader Standard Work A safe, clean, neat arrangement of the workplace that provides a specific location for everything and eliminates anything not required..

Scene 25 (17m 35s)

[Audio] Standardize the improvement, training, communication, monitor and continuously improve. We want to make all these improvements in a standard way, so make sure to use a checklist including every step. Here in the slide is a suggested example included in the toolbox, it is composed in 5 sections. Section 1.. Which items have we converted to external activities and can be done before stopping the machine? Preparation activities. Use checklists to make sure everything is ready to go prior to changeover Tools, parts, materials, procedures, people, etc. Function checks Check tools, dies, molds well before changeover to make sure everything is functioning properly Repair malfunctions prior to changeover Transportation Move all new parts, tools, and materials to the machine before it is shut down ( changeover carts) Put away old parts, tools, and materials after the machine is running good product Examples: Form Mold in staging area. Trim tool in staging area. Crash Cart for Spare Parts in staging area. Needed sheet at line. Change-over Team ready and available. Work-order packet prepared at at line. Current order material removed from line. Line cleaned and picked-up. Section 2... Which activities are internal that have been streamlined, combined, simplified, and/or in a different order that cannot be external? The Set up period activites. Section 3: Which items have we converted to external activities and can be done after stopping the machine? Surrounding cleanup activities and monitoring for example. Section 4: In section 4 we will take a look of what we have just done where we compare our goal standard time against real time, if real is greater than standard, the changeover quarterback triggers a PDCA Kata session for analysis. Section 5. is for observations. It is important to use a clock and follow the escalation process on the right side, where we review the real time vs mid-point time target and final time target..

Scene 26 (20m 13s)

[Audio] What happens if we do not achieve the target time?.

Scene 27 (20m 21s)

[Audio] As we mentioned, if real time is greater than standard, the changeover quarterback triggers a PDCA Kata session for further analysis.

Scene 28 (20m 31s)

[Audio] The Quarterbacks job, role and responsibilities. Maybe we have all seen football at least once, and among many players, one important one is the quaterback Who is the leader of the team, the one who carries out what the play will be, if its going to be a run or pass... this leader or quarterback plays huge role and should have particular skills sucha as: Providing Team Leadership It's important that football team members have a leader during games, or they won't function as an effect unit. Team members not only need to know what to do each play, they also need to have the confidence in their quarterback, who is in charge of offense. If the quarterback seems nervous or unsure of himself, it puts pressure on his teammates. If the QB is confident and encouraging, he can inspire his teammates to do better. Staying in Shape Quarterbacks have to be in top, physical shape. This means they must get enough sleep, eat healthy foods and exercise on a regular basis. Quarterbacks not only lift weight to build muscle, but they must also work on speed, quickness, agility, flexibility, power, endurance and balance. Watching Game Film Quarterbacks spend hours each week watching film or video of the game they just played to analyze what they did right and wrong. They look at both the technical and tactical aspects of their performance. This includes learning the strengths and weaknesses of their teammates. Our Changeover quarterback must have each of these skills AND be a promoter of the motivation, of the organization and of the performance of each of the steps in our changeover and as well as obtain leadership to be able to properly lead the KATA session for continuous improvement..

Scene 29 (22m 24s)

[Audio] The Kata Process Tool: The suggested quarterback follow-up is the kata tool, that is a very simple but very effective procedure that will help us to have that cycle of continuous improvement after each of our changeovers by being able to visualize what went wrong to get our root cause and at the same time generate experiments to help us move forward and discover new things and expand our threshold of knowledge until we reach our target condition attainable but challenging mid term goal towards our Rapid Changeover vision. The first, is to establish a board with a KPI Chart to track the changeovers time, some 5 whys and PDCA, plan-do-check-act, sheet templates. Second: Gather the team, Select the main issue(s). Establish a 5why's procedure per each main issue. Establish an improvement action, experiment on PDCA Sheet and prioritize poka-yoke thinking. If succesfull - standardize. If is not succesfull, lessons learned, we want to explore a new tactic..

Scene 30 (23m 31s)

[Audio] Quarterbacking Two ways towards improvement: We may have a rapid improvement due to kaizen but its vital to sustainability that we have the discipline of continuous improvement by leading and attending the improvement quaterback kata sessions. Remember - Watch the video and analyze what we did right and wrong. Look at both the technical and tactical aspects of their performance. Including learning the strengths and weaknesses of teammates..

Scene 31 (24m 3s)

[Audio] In conclusión: Rapid Changeover methodology can be effectively applied to reduce setup times. Together with Lean tools such as 6S, Visual Management and Leader Standard Work. The condition for the application of small production batches are short conversion times, which ensure short product lead times. Standardize the improvement, training, communication, monitor and continuously improve are a must. Continuous improvement through quaterbacking leveraging kata process maximizes the chance of sustainability and mid-long term success..

Scene 32 (24m 42s)

[Audio] Rapid Change over Kaizen step by step. 32.

Scene 33 (24m 49s)

[Audio] Rapid Changeover Kaizen Charter – Plant AB or C. In a Kaizen event we recommend to clarify the big picture and the necessity to every team member, based on data, clear objectives (recommended to set in conjuntion with the team) using X to Y by Z format and the schedule.

Scene 34 (25m 18s)

[Audio] Rapid Changeover Kaizen Pre-Work - Schedule Kaizen event date and coordinate with Planning. Day 1 - Kickoff Day, introduce the Team, Review Objectives, Train on Rapid Changeover Methods using standard training material. Day 2 - Observation from prior day. Identify external vs internal work content and move all external to a pre-work. Day 3 - Kaizen report out Review contents of A3, etc..

Scene 35 (27m 22s)

[Audio] Rapid Changeover Kaizen: In SMED Kaizen event we apply lean principles to reduce changeover time. Benefits include less waste, fewer defects, greater productivity and flexibility..