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Scene 1 (0s)

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A CALABARZON Schools Division of Batangas Province Dr. Juan A. Pastor Memorial National High School Talaibon , Ibaan , Batangas.

Scene 2 (28s)

Stars Animated GIF | Sky gif, Star gif, Night sky painting.

Scene 3 (50s)

Stars Animated GIF | Sky gif, Star gif, Night sky painting.

Scene 4 (1m 25s)

Twinkling Stars GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY.

Scene 5 (1m 51s)

1. A body of ice, rock and dust that can be several miles in diameter and orbits the sun.

Scene 6 (2m 22s)

Stars Animated GIF | Sky gif, Star gif, Night sky painting.

Scene 7 (2m 32s)

Sorry your answer is incorrect !. Click this arrow to go back to the question.

Scene 8 (2m 37s)

2. Also called the shooting star. A. asteroid. A. asteroid.

Scene 9 (2m 50s)

Need some more? Just click me. Need some more? Just click me.

Scene 10 (2m 57s)

Not suitable answer!. Go back to question 1 .. Click to view.

Scene 11 (2m 59s)

3. Larger than a meteoroid that orbits the sun and is made of rock and or metal ..

Scene 12 (3m 17s)

Very Good!.

Scene 13 (3m 23s)

So bad! . Return to the 1 st question. Click to view.

Scene 14 (3m 25s)

abstract. Stars Animated GIF | Sky gif, Star gif, Night sky painting.

Scene 15 (4m 48s)

ACTIVITY. A.. Stars Animated GIF | Sky gif, Star gif, Night sky painting.

Scene 16 (6m 36s)

Apparent and Absolute Brightness. 1.. B.. Earth Vega Distance 7.66 pc agnitude 0.00456 Sun Distance 0.00000484 pc AU) Magnitude -26.7.

Scene 17 (8m 2s)

Apparent and Absolute Brightness. Earth Vega Distance 0.00000484 pc AU) Magnitude -30.9 Sun Distance 0.00000484 pc AU) Magnitude -26.7.

Scene 18 (8m 28s)

= fainter = brighter.

Scene 19 (8m 45s)

Discussion Questions: A. 1. Which is the brightest star? Explain your answer. 2. Which is the dimmest star? How do you say so?.

Scene 20 (10m 4s)

Discussion Questions: B. 3. How do you compare the brightness of the Sun and Vega as viewed from earth in picture 1? What happens to their brightness in picture 2? 4. If Apparent brightness is the stars’ brightness depending on how far away stars are from earth while Absolute brightness is the stars’ brightness if all stars were at the same standard distance from earth, what kind of brightness does the Sun show on earth? 5. What might be the effect if there are no stars specifically “Sun” that can be seen from Earth?.

Scene 21 (12m 9s)

APPLICATION. “SEARCH FOR THE BRIGHTEST STARS”. Compare among Rigel, Sirius and Sun by illustrating their.

Scene 22 (13m 33s)


Scene 23 (14m 38s)

Rubrics. Performance Indicator 5 3-4 1-2 Correctness of the Answers All the answers presented are correct. One or two of the answers presented is/are incorrect. Three or more of the answers presented are incorrect. Originality All entries are original. One entry is copied from others’ works. Two or more entries are copied from others’ works. Presentation of the Output The entire output evidently showed excellent ability and effective way in comparing the stars. The entire output evidently showed an average ability and effective way in comparing the stars. The entire output evidently showed a below average ability and effective way in comparing the stars..

Scene 24 (15m 47s)

. Stars Animated GIF | Sky gif, Star gif, Night sky painting.

Scene 25 (18m 30s)

Stars Animated GIF | Sky gif, Star gif, Night sky painting.

Scene 26 (19m 31s)

Stars Animated GIF | Sky gif, Star gif, Night sky painting.

Scene 27 (20m 41s)

Stars Animated GIF | Sky gif, Star gif, Night sky painting.

Scene 28 (21m 34s)

Stars Animated GIF | Sky gif, Star gif, Night sky painting.

Scene 29 (21m 56s)

ASSIGNMENT. 1. What are constellations?. 2. Give examples of prominent constellations..

Scene 30 (22m 50s)

Funny Quotes About Shining Star. QuotesGram.

Scene 31 (23m 19s)

Animated Shooting Stars | LoveToKnow. Thank you and God bless!!!.