[Virtual Presenter] Hello everyone ! In this tutorial, we will learn how to manage your collections and all the related options on automate video. Let’s begin !.
[Virtual Presenter] After you login to your account, you can access your collections right here on the top of your screen..
[Virtual Presenter] From there, click on the plus button to create your first collection. You can give it the name you want and add multiple projects at the same time, just click on the « add project to collection » icon and check all the one you want in your collection. Then click on update..
[Virtual Presenter] You can also create a collection and add projects to already existing collections from the projects section. When you want to add a project to a collection you can create a new one and or check all the existing one where you want your project to be added..
[Virtual Presenter] Now let’s take a look at your landing page. Each collection has her own landing page that you can fully customize. This page function with a very simple system of blocks such as text blocks, video blocks, URL blocks and many more. Each block can have a different background, different title, and description. Don’t hesitate to experiment as your page can be shareable just the same as your projects. When your modifications are done, don’t forget to click on the publish button at the top right of the screen to save..
[Virtual Presenter] You can also add a youtube or vimeo to your landing page. For that, click on the plus icon to add a new block then click on video at the bottom of the list. Then copy and paste the link of the video so that it appears on your page..
[Virtual Presenter] Thank you for following this tutorial. We hope you enjoyed it. Go to www.automate.video to sign up and start creating your videos !.