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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Francois' Journey Into life A summary of events that are currently taking place throughout my awakening process. Hello everyone and welcome to my channel. I decided to open this channel to document my awakening process as it is developing.. Hopefully it can also help others that are experiencing a similar situations by letting them know that there are not alone! I am an older guy in my early 60 and I would say that my first intuition about awakening started 3 years ago at the end of September 2021. I was a late YouTube user. I started using YouTube in around 2015. The first few years I only used YouTube to search for videos related to my professional job, that is computing various metrics and methods, coding, designing, et cetera Then seeing all the other types of available videos, I started to slowly watch videos on film trailers, science in general, astronomy, film reviews, politics, weather, archeology. Then by pure luck, in September 2021, I watch a YouTube video by Sadhguru entitled "I am Not the Body, I am Not the Mind". Normally I would have watched only the first few minutes of such video and moved on, but at that time I had problems with anxiety because I had all kind of crazy thoughts for no reason, in other words I was suffering as they say. Based on the police report, Friday the 29th at around 5pm, 5 witnesses testified that I was stopped and waiting at the intersection, like everyone else, for my green light. When the light became green, I started moving forward, then a car on the crossing road burned its red light and hit my motorcycle. I apparently got thrown off my motorcycle and did a flip over the car to finally land motionless on the other side. The motorcycled was totaled, so it was a harsh hit. This happened at a very busy intersection with 2 lane going south, 2 lane going north and 3 lane going east and 3 lane going west, less than a mile from my home. Since it was on a Friday night in California, the traffic was extremely dense. I was starting to be very late to come back with the family dinner so my wife tried to call me a few times..

Scene 2 (2m 33s)

[Audio] They repeated multiple time the cat-scan. The doctor was very happy to see my daughter walk in. Note that I am a 200 pounds person that could not really stand up at that point. So a couple of nurses help my daughter to load me in the car. For all the first 57 years of my life I was what can be called a true Westerner materialist. I was a research engineer for most of my professional life, that strongly believed in the scientific methods and technology. I never had any interest or even inclination about spirituality or religion of any types. When I would hear something related to either, I would simply discard it as "you have to be a believer". So that being said, I do realize that I am extremely lucky to be on this awakening path today considering my age and history. My Ego was extremely strong all my life and kept me well imprisoned in the illusion. By the way, my Ego is still very strong to this day, but I can now at least step out of it and observe it with awareness for very short time, so it has cracked. I am in no way a spiritual teachers or guide. I am simply a guy searching his way around what is called the awakening. I do realize that creating a channel like this one mainly addresses the Ego and does not directly helps my awakening!..