2023-2024 Kindergarten & First Grade Assessments

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Welcome to our session: twenty twenty-three through twenty twenty-four Kindergarten and First Grade Assessment: m Class Dibbles and Lectura..

Scene 2 (12s)

[Audio] The Dibbles and m class lectura assessments are new to Houston I S D this year. Notice that the benchmark running records and high frequency word exam have been discontinued though we will be able to obtain comparable data from the m class assessments and Map Growth and m class Dibbles and Lectura will replace the Renaissance and Texas kia assessments..

Scene 3 (35s)

[Audio] Our state's education agency and district mandate that kindergarten through 1st grade students be regularly monitored. Notice, all scholars be assessed in math using the district's new universal screener the N W E A Map Growth test. 2nd graders will also take the Map Growth assessments in reading and science. For literacy, kindergarten and first grade scholars will be assessed using m class's Dibbles and or lectura exams and 2nd graders will also be screened in some components of the m class components..

Scene 4 (1m 11s)

[Audio] Dibbles stands for Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills. M Class is an Amplify platform for teachers to administer the Dibbles and/or Lectura assessments for grades Kindergarten through first grade.. It is a battery of short, one minute fluency measures that can be used for universal screening, benchmark assessment, and progress monitoring used to assess the thorough knowledge and understanding of students' development towards reading proficiency..

Scene 5 (1m 42s)

[Audio] M class provides Benchmark assessments, Progress Monitoring, reinforcement activities, specialized grouping, and instantaneous access to scores. The Benchmark assessments provide quick and accurate identification of students in need of reading support and intervention. The Progress Monitoring tasks are used to track performance on the skills in which students require additional support. Dibbles "English" measures include Letter Naming Fluency and Word Reading Fluency for both Kinder and 1st Grade. Lectura "Spanish" measures include Spelling Espanol, Vocabulary Espanol, and reading fluency across all grade levels Kindergarten through first Grade..

Scene 6 (2m 30s)

[Audio] Some advantages to the dibbles and lectura screeners include being able to Monitor student's progress, Make informed instructional decisions, Modify the instruction being delivered, and being able to Respond to children's changing needs in real time. mCLASS with Dibbles 8th Edition introduces several changes, including new features such as gating/discontinue rules, a new Dibbles measure Word Reading Fluency, and modern measurement approaches to scoring, as well as the retirement of two existing measures First Sound Fluency and Retell Fluency. mCLASS with Dibbles 8th Edition also Supports efficient administration of measures to Performs calculations and reduces paperwork, Turns assessment results into clear, meaningful reports, and Keep a permanent record of assessment results.

Scene 7 (3m 21s)

[Audio] Notice that the Dibbles and Lectura exams will also flagging scholars at risk of dyslexia. Given test efficiency and ease of administration, C B M assessments such as the Dynamic Indicators for Basic Early Literacy Skills or Dibbles is well-suited to meet the logistical challenges of universal screening for dyslexia and can additionally function as progress monitoring measures for at-risk students. To help schools meet the new dyslexia screening requirements, Dibbles 8th Edition includes updated measures that are better aligned to common dyslexia screening areas, such as rapid automatized naming, phonological awareness, alphabetic principle, and word reading ability. Students with difficulties in these areas demonstrate a heightened risk for general reading difficulties and the development of dyslexia.

Scene 8 (4m 13s)

[Audio] For more information and how to access the self-paced online trainings that are available, visit H I S D's Student Assessment webpage at www dot Houston I S D dot org forward slash F A.

Scene 9 (4m 28s)

[Audio] Thank you for attending our twenty twenty-three through twenty twenty-four Kindergarten and First Grade Assessment: m Class Dibbles and Lectura session..