how to create a design specification for data structures

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Welcome to the presentation on how to create a design specification for data structures..

Scene 2 (7s)

[Audio] This shows what I'm going to do thought out the presentation , which include examples for the each of them and I will be explained each of the examples..

Scene 3 (25s)

[Audio] This talks about what the valid operations that can be carried out on the structures, which will talk about what each of the operations will do to or for the data structures. Reference:, what are the specifications and operations of data structures in compiler design, available online at: 88% 92%20Operations%20can%20take%20whole,to%20another% 2C%20or%20a%20union%20operation%20on% 20sets. [Accessed at: 12/ 12/ 22 at 6: 00pm].

Scene 4 (1m 7s)

[Audio] This talks about what the operations of a memory stack and how it will be used to implement function calls within a computer. Reference: ( 2019), stack and its basic operations, available online at: [Accessed at: 12/12/ 22 at 6: 10pm] ( 2022), introduction to stack – data structure and algorithm tutorials, available online at: [Accessed at: 12/12/22 at 6: 30pm].

Scene 5 (1m 56s)

[Audio] This talks about what a stack adt, which includes different operations that are going to be preformed in this data structure. Reference: ( 2022), , available online at: [Accessed at: 26/ 11/ 22 at 6: 15].

Scene 6 (2m 21s)

[Audio] What does the code do? We make sure that pop and push have been defined as they are main parts for the code. Pop will take one item from the list and push will add one item to the last. We will create a list with the names Steve, Dave, Bob, Jack, Daniel and harry. Pop will remove Dave and Bob from the list as the item will be remove the one that is closer to the top of the stack..

Scene 7 (2m 50s)

[Audio] This talks about what a FIFO queue is , which includes how it can be linked to everyday life. Reference: ( 2022) , what is FIFO queue, available online at: [Accessed at: 04/ 12/ 22 at 5: 00pm].

Scene 8 (3m 13s)

[Audio] What does the code do? We will create elements that can be put into the list, which are bread, bottle and gravel. After this, we will do the operations of the code If the count is set to 0, the count will be < for the myQueue. qsize. After this, it will print myQueue.get()..

Scene 9 (3m 36s)

[Audio] This talks about what a FIFO queue is , which will explain when the algorithm will be used in all ways of data management. Reference: ( 2022) , bubble sort, available online at: [Accessed at: 04/12/22 at 5: 10pm] (2022), bubble sort algorithm, available online at: [Accessed at: 04/ 12/ 22 at 5: 15pm].

Scene 10 (4m 15s)

[Audio] What does this code do? We have to define bubble sort first, then create a loop for access of both array elements and to compare each of the array elements. After doing this, we have to define the elements, meaning to see the first element is bigger or smaller than the second one. If it is bigger then the second one, array[ 1] will be done. But if it is small then the second one, array[j+1] will be done. This is will done until the list is in the write way. At the end, the list will be printed in the way of small to big..

Scene 11 (4m 55s)

[Audio] This page will talk about what a quick sort is , which shows how the algorithm is going to work and that it is different to bubble sort. Reference: ( 2022), quicksort algorithm, available online at: [Accessed at: 04/ 12/ 22 at 5: 20pm].

Scene 12 (5m 29s)

[Audio] What does the code do? We have to define partition first, which will contain a , start and end. Then we have to define quick. This is going to help with the sorting of the list. After this, we have to define printArr as this is going to help with sort out the list in the end. First, the list will be printed as it is in a. Then once it has been sorted, the list will be printed again in the right way, which is small to big..

Scene 13 (6m 2s)

[Audio] This talks about the differences between bubble sort and quick sort, which are Reference: ( 2022), difference between quick sort and bubble sort, available online at: 3A% 20Bubble%20sort%20is%20the%20simplest%20form,focal%20point%20of%20division%20around%20the%20given%20array. [Accessed at: 21/ 12/ 22 at 6: 30pm].