1st Sem QP

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Scene 1 (0s)

B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MARCH - 2023 Time :3 Hours 1. a) b) Question l is compulsory (Each question carries 2 marks) Answer any FOUR from 2 to 8 (Each question carries 14 marks) e) CSE-S101 c) Evaluate 1) COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING Engineering Mathematics - I (Scmester - ) g) S-495 PART-A What is Stationary value. [Total No. of Pages: 3 What is the Jacobian. d) Evaluate (Sxdzdydx . CE+}ácy. Show that I(H/2) =-2. Max. Marks :70 Define Euler's fonula. (7×2=14) Find the Fourier sine series off(*) =x on (0, L). [PTO..

Scene 2 (24s)

2. 2 a) If U= log (r+t:-3rz), then show thot 3. a) b) 4. a) CSE-S101 PART- B (u.1, w) (r..) S-495 U=: b) If u=t 31-z', = 4ryz, w= 22 -xy then evaluate (x+y+2)' at (1, -1, 0). ) Find the maximum and minimum values ofx +y-3axy. Expand f(x, y) =e' sin y in powers of x and y by using Taylor's series. (414 56) Evaluate| dxdy , over the region bounded by the parabolas =r and ?=y. b) Change the order of integration and evaluate yk. 5. a) Evaluate (+y+s) dkjuk . b) Evaluate J, dxdydz (x+y+z+l) |2| taken over the volume bounded by the planes.x=0, y =0,2=0andr +y +z= 1..

Scene 3 (55s)

6. a) 8. a) Express the lollowing integrals in terms of functions : i) b) Evaluate: b) ii) S-495 ) dx Jo CSE-SI01 3 |? sin? cos² d0 7. a) Expand f(x) =J1-cos x, in 0 < x< 2r ina Fourier ser 3 i) (-5' (7-x' d b) Find a Fourier series to represent the function f(x) x,-IZxsn and hence deduce that + and hence evaluate 1.3 3.5 5.7 +...... 8 Find the half range sine series of/(x)=x, in the interval 0<x<2. Find the Fourier series to represent f(x) =x-2, when -2<x <2. |3).

Scene 4 (1m 22s)

Time :3 Hours 1. B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MARCH -2023 a) CSE-S102 Question No.l is compulsory (Each question carries 2 marks) Answer any FOUR from 2 to 8 (Each question carries 14 marks) COMPUTER SCIENCE Engincering Chemistry (Semester - I) f) b) What is Electro dialysis? S-496 PART-A What are WHO 1imits? c) Explain Nylon (6. 6)? d) Define Nanocomposites? [Total No. of Pages: 3 e) Explain galvanic series? What are Gaseous fuels? Define lubricants? Max. Marks :70 (7×2=14) [PTO..

Scene 5 (1m 44s)

al CSE-S102 PART- B 4. a) Describe the boiler troubles and their removal? 3. a) Explain the Desalination of Sea Water? b) ENplain the Lime Soda and lon Exchange methods? S-496 b) Discuss in detailed about reverse osmosis method? (4x14-56) Describe the effect of polymer structure on properties of cellulose derivatives? b) Explain the conducting polymers and vinyl resins? 5. a) Describe the applications of nanomaterials in cataly sis? b) Explain top-down and Bottom-up approaches? |2).

Scene 6 (2m 5s)

6. 7. a) a) b) b) Discuss in detailed about organic coatings? 8. a) S-496 CSE-S102 Describc the chenmical and electrochemical properties of corrosion? Discuss in detailed about coke manufacture? Discuss in detailed about Otto Hoffmann's process? Describe the mechanism and properties of lubricating oils? b) Explain the selection of lubricants for engineering applications. [3|.

Scene 7 (2m 21s)

1. B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINAION, MARCH - 2023 COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING Time :3 Hours Answer the following: C Programming for Numerical Methods (Semester - I) Question l is compulsory (Each question carries 2 marks) Answer any FOUR from 2 to 8 (Each question carries 14 marks) CSE-SI04 b) Define Arithmetic precedence? e) a) Explain the types ofString handling functions? f) |Total No. of Pages: 3 PART-A c) Explain about Nested Ifstatement. S-498 d) Explain about the initialization ofpointer variables. g) Define Structure. What does union ofa function" mean? Define GOTO statement. Max. Marks :70 |1| (7×2=14) [PT.O..

Scene 8 (2m 47s)

2. a) CSE-S104 PART- B What is type conversion and cxplain its types? b) Explain the structure of CProgram in detail with a prograrn 3. a) Explain about the decision-making statements. S-498 (414-56) b) Describe about the implementation of2-dimentional array with example. 4. a) Explain about the scope. visibility and lifetime of variables. b) Explain about Recursion function in detail. 5. a) Explain the Declaration and initializing ofpointer variables. b) What is pointer to function explain with example? |2).

Scene 9 (3m 9s)

6. 8. a) b) a) S-498 CSE-ST04 Explain the implementation of arrays of structures with a progrann. 7. a) Explain Eror handling during /O operations. Difference between Structure and Unions. b) Explain opening and closing a file in File handling with a program. Implement Bisection Method to find the square root ofa given number to a given accuracy. b) Explain Newton Raphson method in detail with program. 3|.

Scene 10 (3m 28s)

1. B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MARCIH-2023 Time: 3 Hours a) c) Question I is compulsory (Each question carries 2 marks) Answer any FOUR from 2 to 8 (Each question carries 14 marks) Answer the following: d) Diserete CSE-SI05 COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING f) g) S-499 Mathematical Structures (Semester - ) b), Define Complexity ofAlgorithms. |Total No. of Pages: 3 PART -A Define Propositional Logic. Define Recursion. e) Explain Graph Teminology. What is meant by n-ary relation? What are Logic gates? What is Chromatic number? Max. Marks: 70 (7×2=14) JPTO..

Scene 11 (3m 52s)

CSE-ST05 with examples. PART- B 2. What is meant by Proofs and explain diflerent Proof Techniques 3. a) ENplain the Nested Ouantifiers rules ofInference. (4 14 56) b) Explain the Basic Structure Sets in detail. S-499 4. a) a) Explain Strong Induction and Structural Induction. b) Explain Permutations and Combinations in details. 5. a) Explain Divide and Conquer Algorithms with examples. b) What is meant by Inclusion-Exclusion and what are the Applications ofInclusion-Exclusion. 2|.

Scene 12 (4m 14s)

8. CSE-SI05 a) Differentiate between Euler path and I Hamilton path with Examples. Explain different types of Graphs with examples. 7. a) Explain Minimum Spanning Trees with example. b) Explain about different Tree Traversal techniques. a) Explain about functions in Boolean Algebra. b) What is meant by Modeling Computation and Explain Finite State Machines with and without output..