Real Writing with Readings: Paragraphs and Essays for College, Work, and Everyday Life

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Comparison and contrast writing is an essential skill for understanding the world around us. It enables us to make comparisons and contrasts between two or more subjects, people, ideas, situations, or items in order to gain an insight into similarities and differences between the objects being examined. Comparison and contrast can also be used to assist in decision-making or to improve understanding of different subjects. When making comparisons and contrasts, we should consider essential guidelines for successful comparison and contrasting including having enough elements in common to make the comparison meaningful, ensuring the comparison and contrast serves an appropriate purpose, presenting several parallel points, and arranging the points in a logical order. Comparison and contrast can be used for various purposes such as shopping for clothes, selecting electronics, or even choosing food. It is also used when researching or crafting decisions. Comparison and contrast helps us to comprehend the world and make wise decisions..

Scene 2 (1m 10s)

[Audio] Comparing grocery stores in wealthy suburbs and those in poor, inner-city neighborhoods, one can easily identify differences. Suburban stores are bigger, better lit, and stocked with a greater variety of items. The prices of items are more expensive in inner-city stores, and they often carry more sugary cereal and fewer fresh fruits and vegetables. This ultimately reflects the larger socio-economic problem, whereby those in higher classes benefit more than those in lower classes..

Scene 3 (1m 45s)

[Audio] Comparison and contrast writing is a beneficial ability to have in order to assist readers in making decisions and further comprehend the topics being discussed. Through this type of writing different aspects (such as people, ideas, situations, or items) can be compared and contrasted within each other. It is important to identify the purpose of the comparison or contrast in order to discover the main point. An example of this would be if the purpose was to help readers decide between two options, a suitable topic sentence/thesis statement could be "Leasing a car and buying one are different arrangements". Not only can this skill be useful in college and the workforce, but also in daily life..

Scene 4 (2m 37s)

[Audio] Comparing two or more items can be a useful way of making decisions and understanding the items in question. For example, I am looking at two different credit cards to compare them. The first has no annual fee whereas the second carries a $35 fee. The first card imposes a $1 fee for cash advances whereas the second one has a $1.50 fee. The first has a 30 day period before interest charges begin whereas the second has 25 days. Finally, the first card has a 15.5% finance charge whereas the second has a 17.9% charge. Making a list like this can help you analyse the differences and similarities between two or more items, which can help you make a decision or gain a better understanding of the items..

Scene 5 (3m 30s)

[Audio] Comparing and contrasting two or more related subjects can help us to ascertain similarities and differences between them. For instance, we could compare a modern, multi-story structure with lots of glass to an older building that is fewer stories tall and has less glass. Likewise, we can examine the contrasts between dancing and other forms of exercise. While both can be done with music, dance typically involves a social component and is enjoyed with others, whereas exercise is often done in a gym or other workout environment for health benefits. By making these types of comparisons, we are better able to make decisions or gain a better understanding of the topics being discussed. This strategy can be applied to sports, pet ownership, and any other items that come to mind. Thus, comparison and contrast writing can be a useful tool for decision-making and understanding..

Scene 6 (4m 28s)

[Audio] Choosing an appropriate organizational strategy is key when writing comparison and contrast essays. Point-by-point organization presents each point of comparison or contrast between the subjects one after the other, while whole-to-whole organization presents all the points for one subject before moving on to the next. Consider which method will be best for your purpose before beginning the essay. Following the chosen structure will ensure the paper is successful..

Scene 7 (5m 11s)

[Audio] Comparing and contrasting is a powerful tool that can be used to better understand complex topics. In comparison and contrast writing, we look at two or more subjects and compare their similarities and differences. In this kind of writing, we can use two methods; point-by-point organization and whole-to-whole organization. Point-by-point organization is used to compare and contrast the same qualities in different subjects. In whole-to-whole organization, we compare the overall qualities of two or more subjects. When using either method, it's important to use transitions to link ideas in comparison and contrast. Additionally, comparison and contrast is often organized by order of importance with the most important point saved for last. With these techniques, we can better understand our subject matter by looking at similarities and differences..

Scene 8 (6m 11s)

[Audio] When comparing and contrasting two or more items, understanding the key differences and similarities is key. In this chapter, we will look at two examples of how comparison and contrast writing can be used in different contexts. The first example comes from the real world of business and compares the differences between a business project before and after. The second and third examples come from student writing, first a comparison/contrast paragraph and then a comparison/contrast essay. Pay attention to the transition words used, and follow along using the questions in the margin. As you read, you will gain a better understanding of how comparison and contrast works..

Scene 9 (6m 56s)

[Audio] Good morning. In this slide, we are talking about how to use comparison and contrast in the real world. The example we are taking is the president of a company who uses comparison and contrast in his job. In terms of education, this person went from high school to Oakton Community College and then he further pursued his studies at DePaul University and the University of Illinois. This person has a clear understanding of how to use comparison and contrast as he had to write contracts, proposals, and other materials in his profession. He has also been able to use this knowledge to aid in the revival of inner-city commercial areas. As an example of the use of comparison and contrast, this person has used his company to improve a special service area in Chicago, providing expertise on the steps necessary to establish an SSA and acting as a liaison between the neighborhood groups and individuals affected. This example clearly shows how comparison and contrast can be used in the real world..

Scene 10 (8m 24s)

[Audio] Men and women have different ways of dealing with getting lost while driving. Women will often take the initiative to stop and ask for directions as soon as they think they might be lost. As they continue, they may even seek out multiple opinions in order to make sure they get back on the right track. On the other hand, men would prefer to turn around and go back home than to stop and ask for directions. Men do not like to admit they are lost and will try to sort it out themselves by consulting a map. If this doesn’t work, they often consider it a last resort to let their wives get directions from someone else. There have been many debates between the sexes about how to get out of such a tricky situation..

Scene 11 (9m 17s)

[Audio] Comparison and contrast writing is a form of writing used to highlight the similarities and differences between two or more subjects, people, ideas, situations, or items. An example I have recently come across is an essay titled "Lou Enrico Target and Wal-Mart: Not as Different as You Think." In this essay, the author argues that, although the two stores have a difference in public perception, there is no evidence to suggest there is a difference in the quality or style of the merchandise offered by either. The author concludes that the two stores are much more similar than they are different. This example illustrates how comparison and contrast writing can be used to help readers better understand both the similarities and the differences between two or more subjects..

Scene 12 (10m 36s)

[Audio] Comparing and contrasting is an invaluable tool for helping readers make a decision or grasp a concept. Examining two entities side by side can provide a comprehensive view. For instance, Wal-Mart, the world's biggest retailer, has often been the target of criticism for putting mom-and-pop stores out of business and damaging downtowns. In contrast, the announcement of a new Target store typically brings joy to many. While both Wal-Mart and Target do hurt local shops, Wal-Mart's stores provide a boon to rural areas, where people would otherwise have to endure long distances to shop. Additionally, Target frequently chooses to open locations in more affluent communities. Examining both Wal-Mart's and Target's effects on a situation enables us to understand the pros and cons of each. Looking closely at the similarities and differences of two entities gives a clearer picture, resulting in more informed decisions..

Scene 13 (11m 38s)

[Audio] Comparing and contrasting two or more items is a writing technique that can help readers make decisions or better understand certain topics. Point-by-point writing should be used to discuss and analyze each point thoroughly. This can typically be used to draw a conclusion or to make an observation. There are many topics and assignments that can help readers in this regard, such as looking at an advertisement to analyze how it creates a certain perception of a product or service, or writing about how the media shapes people's beliefs. Comparison and contrast writing is a useful tool and can help readers learn about certain topics more easily..

Scene 14 (12m 37s)

[Audio] Comparison and contrast writing can help those wishing to make a difference in their community to make an informed decision. By providing readers with the similarities and differences between two or more individuals, ideas, situations, or items, it can help them better understand the subjects and make the right choice. As an example, Lynze Schiller's journey from Middlesex County College to Marymount College and her subsequent involvement in Personal Dynamics, an organization that promotes community service projects, inspired her to become more involved. Through her work in a project that transformed two storage rooms at a church into safe spaces, she helped clean and paint the rooms, collect donated furniture, and paint a mural of helping hands. Comparison and contrast writing allows readers to gain a better understanding of the pros and cons of an issue, making it easier for them to make an informed decision and make progress in bettering their community..

Scene 15 (13m 54s)

[Audio] You are tasked with evaluating various models of smart phones and deciding which is the best for your money. To assist you in this endeavor, begin by investigating a rating chart or an online version to identify three points of contrast between different models. It is important to note why each point matters to you, and ultimately use this information to make your selection. Once you have settled on a model, you can put together a contrast paragraph or essay explaining your choice and contrasting it to another model. Be sure to back up your selection with the three points you previously identified..

Scene 16 (14m 35s)

[Audio] When writing a comparison and contrast paper, ensure that you have a focus on what you are comparing and an understanding of your purpose for doing so. Start by narrowing down your topics and exploring them further. Make sure that the two subjects you choose have enough in common to result in a meaningful paper. Then, take some time to brainstorm any ideas related to them to help you get started composing your paper. Comparing and contrasting topics can provide helpful insight on subjects that may differ in many ways..

Scene 17 (15m 9s)

[Audio] In order to write a good comparison and contrast essay, certain steps need to be taken. The first step is to write a topic sentence or thesis statement. This should include the subjects and an outline of the essay's content. Pre-writing can involve making a two-column list of the similarities and differences between the two subjects. Additionally, it is important to decide between point-by-point organization and whole-to-whole organization to make a successful outline. When drafting the essay, it is important to start with the thesis statement and develop that with the topic sentence and supporting details. The conclusion should remind readers of the main point and provide some kind of takeaway. Additionally, a title should be provided which previews the main point and allows the reader to understand the essay's focus. The essay should then be revised, feedback obtained from others, and it should be ensured that all points of comparison and contrast are parallel. By following these steps, a successful comparison and contrast essay can be written..

Scene 18 (16m 18s)

[Audio] Comparison and contrast writing is an important skill to have in many situations. In this presentation, we explored how to identify comparison assignments, how to start writing them, and the different kinds of comparison and contrast paragraphs and essays. There are four basics to follow to create a good comparison or contrast essay: topic, parts of the topic, organization, and examples. Depending on the type of essay and the topic, one can either organize a point-by-point essay or a whole-to-whole essay. Finally, we looked at vocabulary words and wrote a two-minute reflection. This presentation should have helped to understand and utilize comparison and contrast writing in many contexts..