0 000 00 0 0 Contents x System overview System main functions System purpose M-SCOOP Team ooo A system Disguised as an application CREATED USING 4 POW TOOn.
000 Project Overview Goal 1 Goal 2 Data Recording Data organization in huge databases Goal 3 Goal 4 Logical and mathematical Implementing plans & operations applied on the strategies stored and the entered data 0000 0000 00 0 0 x 0000 ooo CREATED USING 4 POWTOOn.
00 00 M-scoop Purpose Our institution aims to develop the companies' working system and their businesses , to organize everyday work and to implement strategies when the company decides to set a new one. MSCOOI) 0000 00 0 0 CREATED USING 4 POWTOOn.
M-SCOOP Operation 1 Step Data Entry 2 Step Data recording / Data modification (if 3 Step Data Analysis 4 Step Logical and mathematical operations if for certain data / ADS design /online platforms 5 Step Analysis / Operation resuls CREATED USING 4 POWTOOn.
x 0 00 M-scoop Team Phase 1 Done Data collection and studying the market and its needs. 0000 00 00 Phase 2 Ends 1/2/2022 Creating a company model based on the d<Y9 collecte ta. Phase 3 Ends in 2022 Creating a demo for the system and trying the demo with trusted employees (relatives). Phase 4 Unknown • Completing our brilliant project O CREATED USING 4 POW TOOn.
0000 000 The elevator of success is out of order. you'll have to use the stairs... one step at a time. o Joe Girard The world's greatest salesman 0 00 0 CREATED USING 4 POWTOOn.
O x O 200k 100k 5k 1.0 Your Budget 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Rate 7.0 8.0 Exponential Growth 0000 00 00 0000 9.0 CREATED USING 4 POW TOOn.
Name Marwan Abdelrahman Bakr Mazen Essam 0000 ooo Role CEO It and HR Specialist Marketing Location Egypt Egypt Egypt 0000 Spirit Animal Sloth Rhino Flamingo CREATED USING 4 POWTOOn.
0 Thank you 01144579459 [email protected] 0000 00 0 0 0000 CREATED USING 4 POWTOOn.