Introduction 3D PRINTER. NO-PT-QC050-MN-E. [image].
Content. What is 3D printing? 3D print examples System Information and Capabilities How does it work? / 3D print Steps 3D Printer Composition 3D Printer Material Matrix Clean Station Information Clean Station Matrix General 3D print process Policytech Documents.
3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced horizontal cross-section of the eventual object. 3D printing is the opposite of subtractive manufacturing which is cutting out / hollowing out a piece of metal or plastic with for instance a milling machine. 3D printing enables you to produce complex shapes using less material than traditional manufacturing methods. What can we print? Tools, jigs, fixtures, end-use parts/.
[image]. [image]. TBIN Highlander Weld Fixtures Rear Frames and sub assemblies.
PE 320B Door Front LH Lower with Map Pocket. [image].
Doors Substrates. 60% Back Frame. 40% Back Frame.
3) System Information and Capabilities. FORTUS 900mc.
4) How does it work?. 3D CAD Model Physical prototype STL (STereoLithography) File Printing O Slicing Adjustment of process parameters.
4) How does it work?. The 3D Printer uses two components to create an object Build Model Material spool (red) Support material spool (green) This machine uses the FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) method. The process is based on the extrusion of heated feedstock plastic filaments through a nozzle tip to deposit layers onto a platform to build parts layer by layer Once the model / parts are built they have to be placed into the WaterWorks Machine to take out the support material..
Foetus 900mc stratasvs. Canister Drive Levers (4X MI Model Material Bays (2X) Support Material Bays (2X) Canister LEDS.
5) 3D Printer Composition – Oven Door. suqaO pue sueeJOS.
[image]. [image]. 5) 3D Printer Composition – Top View.
Onboard Computer ONBOARD COMPUTER UPS The onboard computer is the central control unit for the Fortus 900mc_ This computer also runs the touchscreen software that provides for the system's user inteface..
6) 3D Printer Material Matrix. Beige.
[image]. The Clean Station XL Plus is designed to remove soluble support material from finished parts using jet action cleaning. Support material can be washed away from part geometries from 30 min to 4 hours..
[image] CLEANING STATION - REMOVAL TANK VEATURE Soak me Tank Temperature for Support Materia I TANK capacity: 100 gallon (378.5 Its) 4 hours / Check every two hours 70' C (158' F) Instructions: 9 bottles of WaterWorks should added into the tank; most Will disolve in 3 to Smin NYLON 6 4 hours / Check every two hours Thin wall mode: 50tc (122'F) Normal mode: 60'C (140'F) Brick mode: 70tc 158' 4 hours / Check every two hours 80-85'c (176-185") 70•C 1S8'F with a Ion r dissolve time.
Customer send work request with Section 1 and Section 2 filled out Section 1: Program Part number Requester Date Required Date Phone Email Description of part requested Section 2: Part composition Part dimension Part use Material required (ASA / Nylon / PC).
Customer send STL via DES III and QC T/M download it.
QC team member fill out Section 3 and 4 of the work request based on material usage and timing from Software. Section 3 – Material and support usage and Building Time Section 4 – Price to print pieces Additionally, T/M fill out “Sketch” tab of the work request with picture of the part and final printing surface.
QC team member save the approved work request in special folder.
QC team member set up 3D printer accordingly (Correct material, correct tip, correct buildsheet).
Once the piece is printed, QC team member will take the part out of the 3D printer and will put it into the washer machine for about 3-4 hours..
10) Policytech Documents.
Questions?? Thanks!!.