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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Quang Nam Province People's Committee Social Republic of Vietnam Department of Education and Training Independence, Freedom, Happiness Institution: Department of Education and Training, Quang Nam Province Email: sgddt@quangnam.gov.vn Date and time: 06.09.2024 10:41:25 plus 07:00 Quang Nam Province, September __, 2024 Number: /SGDDT-GDTrH Regarding: Guidelines for Teaching Foreign Languages for the Academic Year 2024-2025 To: Education and Training Departments of Districts, Towns, and Cities; All High Schools, Vocational Schools, and Multiple Level Educational Institutions In compliance with Decision No. 1400/QD-TTg dated September 30, 2008 of the Prime Minister approving the Project Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages in the National Education System for the Period 2008-2020 (referred to as the Foreign Language Project 2008-2020); Decision No. 2080/QD-TTg dated December 22, 2017 of the Prime Minister approving the adjustment and supplementation of the Project for Teaching Foreign Languages in the National Education System for the Period 2017-2025; Letter No. 3935/BGDĐT-GDTrH dated July 30, 2024 from the Ministry of Education and Training on the direction of secondary education tasks for the academic year 2024-2025; The Department of Education and Training of Quang Nam Province provides guidelines for teaching and learning foreign languages in secondary education for the academic year 2024-2025 as follows: 1. Implementation of the English Program in educational institutions Implement the 2018 National Education Program (CTGDPT 2018) for English subject in all classes from 6th to 12th grade in all educational institutions in the area; Educational institutions should conduct entrance assessments and evaluations for first year students to develop appropriate education plans, assign quality foreign language targets to teachers, and organize supplementary classes to meet the needs of different student groups. 2. Improving the quality of teaching and learning English Continue to innovate teaching methods and assessment to develop students' character and abilities; Use English proficiency assessment format for high school students following instructions to assess the proficiency of first year students and final year students; organize teaching, testing, and assessment to fully develop and balance students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills; Increase the amount of supplementary classes for final year students to adapt to the new content and examination format and improve results in special exams for admission to 10th grade in the academic year 2025-2026 and the high school graduation exam in 2025..

Scene 2 (3m 19s)

[Audio] 2. Enhance the organization of supportive activities to improve the effectiveness of teaching English. Continue to maintain and promote the English Club model, ensuring that each primary and secondary school has an effective English Club to contribute to the improvement of the quality of English teaching and practice; organize English Olympiad and English Talent competitions at the grassroots level to maintain and develop the English teaching and learning movement; Revamp the content and format of extracurricular activities to develop soft skills, in parallel with enhancing students' communication skills in English; encourage extracurricular activities with the participation of native English speaking teachers from English language centers under the school's management according to regulations; Depending on the conditions, units can organize supplementary and enhanced English teaching programs for students: selecting appropriate content, curriculum, and formats to organize English programs to enhance and supplement students' English learning; Mobilize social resources to improve the quality of English teaching and learning according to international standards in areas with favorable socio economic conditions. Focus on developing students' listening and speaking skills, selecting reputable and quality English language centers nationwide to cooperate in developing programs and organizing teaching to ensure quality, effectiveness, and meet the needs of learners based on students' voluntary principles. Cooperation between students' parents and with the consent of all parties involved; organize contracts and manage teaching and learning in accordance with legal regulations and instructions from the Department of Education and Training; Proactively cooperate internationally, take advantage of teacher support from legitimate organizations to invite foreign teachers to participate in English teaching activities; establish relationships with schools within and outside the country to exchange experiences in teaching English. 4. Enhance the quality of English teachers Teachers teaching the English Program under the 2018 General Education Program must meet the requirements for the 6-level foreign language proficiency framework. Level 4 and above for primary and lower secondary English teachers, and level 5 and above for high school English teachers, GDNNGDTX; no contracts or teaching arrangements for teachers who do not meet the required standards; Proactively develop a training plan to enhance the English language proficiency of teachers to meet the language competency standards set by the National Foreign Language Project 2020; actively utilize local resources to accelerate the progress of training English teachers to meet the required standards..

Scene 3 (6m 13s)

[Audio] 3. Request for English teachers to conduct English proficiency training, commit to meeting the language proficiency standard within the stipulated time; consider using the criterion of meeting the proficiency standard as a factor in evaluating the completion of tasks; have a plan to allocate different duties for teachers who have not met the proficiency standard. Encourage teachers to learn and improve their skills, update their knowledge; develop an annual individual training plan focused on enhancing language proficiency according to the 6-level proficiency framework and using positive teaching methods. Provide pedagogical training according to the National Foreign Language Project 2020 for English teachers; require teachers to attend core training and general training modules according to the 2018 Education Curriculum under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and Training. Enhance the use of information technology in the teaching process, the ability to utilize foreign language classroom equipment, the ability to develop competency matrices, create assessment exams, and grade oral exams. Regularly organize professional activities such as lesson study, teaching demonstrations, and sharing experiences to help English teachers develop their professional skills to meet new requirements. 5. Improve the infrastructure and equipment to support foreign language teaching. Strengthen the necessary foreign language teaching equipment; effectively use existing foreign language teaching equipment; provide good conditions for teaching and evaluating end of term skills such as listening and speaking in all schools. Utilize utilities, software, and information technology to enhance the creativity and flexibility of teachers in creating study materials for direct use in classroom teaching to improve the effectiveness of foreign language teaching hours. 6. Student assessment and evaluation: Implement student assessment and evaluation according to Circular 22/2021/TTBGDĐT dated July 20, 2021 of the Ministry of Education and Training on Regulations for Evaluation of Secondary School and High School Students (referred to as Circular 22). Pay attention to the new points in student assessment according to Circular No. 22; regular assessment of English language skills will focus more on listening, speaking, and developing students' English communication skills; End of term assessment will include all language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and language knowledge; mid term assessment may not include speaking skills; the structure of the assessment ensures compliance with the guidelines and common standards of the Department of Education and Training. Ensuring that language skills and knowledge are taught and learned..

Scene 4 (9m 4s)

[Audio] 4 evaluation tests for students to develop balanced and synchronized abilities. 7. Implementation organization: Based on this official document, the Departments of Education and Training, and other subordinate units will develop a plan to carry out the task of teaching foreign languages in the 2024-2025 academic year at each unit; Regularly organize conferences, workshops, and professional activities at the school and inter school level to share experiences in innovative teaching and student evaluation. Emphasis will be placed on the use of the format of the exams from the Ministry of Education and Training in regular, periodic, final, and final graduation evaluations of students according to regulations. The Department of Education and Training requests that the units urgently implement these guidelines. If there are any difficulties or obstacles, please contact the Department of Education and Training, Quang Nam Province, for guidance. Recipient: As enclosed; Ministry of Education and Training (for reporting purposes); Provincial People's Committee (for reporting purposes); Director (for reporting purposes); Deputy Directors (for guidance); Saved: File, Edtrh. Chairman. Deputy Director [Signature] Nguyen Hoang Nam.